Below are some of the regular questions from teams wishing to play for Suburbs New Lynn Cricket Club. Hopefully, your questions are answered here, otherwise feel free to contact
Are there any discounts?
Suburbs fees are already some of the lowest in Auckland, so generally we don’t offer additional discounts. We do supply a discount for team registrations.
Are there any Payment terms?
With the new PlayHQ system, all players must pay at time of registration.
50% of team subs must be paid at time of registration. The final 50% must be paid by the 30th November. Balls will not be supplied until payments have been received.
If you are signing up as a team, then a single invoice will be sent to the Captain or Manager of the team.
Does the fee cover the entire season?
As the first half is completed, registration fees include half season – until the end of March, only
When we pay and register, do you need any further details from our side; like player names, etc? Should we sign up individually or as a single team?
There is now an option to sign up as a team. If you have queries in regards to this please email
What will the club provide us upon registration?
On registration the club will pay all team affiliation fees to ACA. We will provide all match balls.
You also get 90-120 mins use of the indoor centre each week (availability allowing) free of charge
Please note we do not provide scorebooks as (as per ACA’s request) we are encouraging all to score online at PlayHQ this can be done on i-pads or phones (please note the club does not provide these).
What is our home ground?
Ken Maunder Park, 34 Binsted Road, New Lynn.
Are there any catering options for lunches?
Yes, for home games. More detail to follow.
Which team will I join?
You may have a team you have already joined, in which case please provide us with the team name. Alternatively if you wish the club to allocate you to a club team please let us know this as well.
At what stage will we get to know the grade we will play in?
We will always do our best to get you in the grade you want, but the final decision is Auckland Cricket’s and depends on the number of teams entered for the season.
Please note that NO club, other than the one the team was registered with last year can make any guarantees.
For Senior One Day Grades:
- At the end of last season, two teams (highest two teams) are promoted and two teams are relegated (lowest two-teams)
- Note as per the One Day Forum the number of teams who get promoted or relegated was increased to two, this is reflected in the General Playing Conditions.
- The club has first right to the spot their team earned from the 23/24 season
- If the club cannot fill that spot, it will then go to a new club/team.
- If you have a new team entering or a team that has changed clubs, please enter their requested grade via our team entries, and we will try and place them as close to possible as wanted, however, cannot promise, effectively they will be granted the ‘next spot available’.
- If you have a new team coming in and an old team going out, the new team can replace the old team and their spot, as long as they are from the same club.
Essentially, only teams returning (for the same club) have a guaranteed spot in their grade as per last season, and we will work with all new teams or teams who have changed clubs to get their desired grade, however, cannot promise.
Note final grading is subject to ACA and will be confirmed in September.
What playing options are available?

Pricing – Half Season only
Post Xmas Membership Fee (GST Inclusive) | Individual | Team Pricing |
Premier Squad incl Reserves | $200 | |
Women’s Premier Squad | $80* | |
Premier 3 & 4th grade | $175 | |
Other Two-Day Grades | $160 | |
One Day Grades | $125 | $1500 |
Presidents | $120 | $1200 |
T20 Saturday or Sunday | NA | |
Half Season T20 Grade | $110 | $1100 |
University Students playing grade cricket | $120 | |
Secondary School Leavers playing senior cricket | $120 | |
University Student Playing Male Premier Cricket | $175 | |
Youth Development Path | NA |
*This is the 50% discounted fee price.